EP115: State Revolving Funds: A Key to Unlocking Community Transformation

Top Takeaways: The top three issues concerning state revolving funds. Data and its role in shaping policy around affordability and equity. Communication and how it can be a tool to ensure no one is left behind in infrastructure planning. Ways that the state revolving fund conversation is initiating change in other areas of the water…

EP114: Communication in Water: Mastering the Marathon

“What you don’t do with us, you do to us.” This is a truth Trina shared with us about how our customers feel when we don’t communicate with them the purpose, intention, and value of the work we do.  Top Takeaways: Tips on how to use the infrastructure bill as a conversation starter with the…

EP112: The Water Squad’s Guide to Working with Creatives

Mike has been schooling us on the rules of design and creativity for six years. These rules set up every project for success by building clarity and bridging the gaps between a client’s vision and the best design/creative solution to solve the actual problem. Mike’s insight helps non creatives be better equipped and know what…

EP111: The Water Squad’s Guide to Data-Driven Communication

As entrepreneurs, we’ve learned to listen to our intuition and when something feels right Arianne says she feels it in her bones. However, intuition and gut feelings shouldn’t drive your communication strategy. Dr. Coy Callison heads the research lab at Texas Tech University’s Communication Research Center where they run a variety of experiments to test…